Virtualmin Control Panel Setup in CentOS 6 | |
SL No | Description |
1 | cat /proc/version |
2 | yum install wget |
3 | wget |
4 | sh ./ |
5 | yum provides */scp |
6 | yum -y install openssh-clients |
Directory Size | |
SL No | Description |
1 | du -ch | grep total |
Cron Job in CentOS 6 | |
SL No | Description |
1 | crontab -l [to see the existing schedule list] |
2 | crontab -e [to edit with the existing schedule list] |
3 | */5 * * * * /usr/bin/php -q /var/www/vhosts/ |
4 | */5 * * * * [Minute Hour Day of Month Month Day of Week] |
5 | */5 * * * * /usr/bin/php -q /var/www/vhosts/ > /dev/null 2>&1 [Remove email notification to the admin] |
6 | /etc/init.d/crond status |
7 | /etc/init.d/crond stop |
8 | /etc/init.d/crond start |
Install MongoDB in CentOS 6 Using pecl | |
SL No | Description |
1 | yum remove mongo-10gen mongo-10gen-server [removing previous mongoDB] |
2 | yum install gcc [install C compiler] |
3 | yum -y install gcc automake autoconf libtool make [install libtool make] |
4 | yum install php-devel [install package for phpize command] |
5 | pecl version [check pecl version] |
6 | PEAR Version: 1.9.4PHP Version: 5.3.3Zend Engine Version: 2.3.0Running on: Linux 2.6.32-71.29.1.el6.x86_64 #1 SMP Mon Jun 27 19:49:27 BST 2011 x86_64 |
7 | pecl install mongo |
8 | vi /etc/php.ini |
9 | |
10 | /etc/init.d/httpd status [Note: Check apache status] |
11 | /etc/init.d/httpd stop [Note: stop apache] |
12 | /etc/init.d/httpd start [Note: start apache] |
Install MongoDB in Windows[Xampp/Wampp Server] | |
SL No | Description |
1 | Downloads for win32 – MongoDB |
2 | Extract the archive to the directory as c:\mongodb |
3 | Create a file as mongodb.config to the directory c:\mongodb\bin [ie, c:\mongodb\bin\mongodb.config] |
4 | make sure you have data folder as c:\mongodb\data |
5 | Write a path in mongodb.config file asdbpath=c:\mongodb\data |
6 | now write in your command promt(Start->Run->cmd) ascd c:\mongodb\bin mongod --config c:\mongodb\bin\mongodb.config |
7 | MongoDB is now connected. now you have to install php driver as follows |
8 | Download MongoDB dll file [Considering you are using PHP 5.2.9 or PHP 5.3.1] |
9 | Extract the zip file & place php_mongo.dll to the server derectory as “/xampp/php/ext” |
10 | configure the php.iniextension=php_mongo.dll |
11 | Finally restart the apache |
Install CouchDB in CentOS 6 | |
SL No | Description |
1 | [root@u15972483 ~]# |
2 | yum info couchdb |
3 | yum install couchdb |
4 | /etc/init.d/couchdb status |
5 | /etc/init.d/couchdb start |
6 | vi /etc/couchdb/local.ini |
7 | bind_address=your.ip.address |
8 | ZZ:q for close without saving & ZZ for close with saving |
9 | /etc/init.d/couchdb stop |
10 | /etc/init.d/couchdb start |
11 | /etc/init.d/couchdb status |
Install EPEL Repo in CentOS 6 | |
SL No | Description |
1 | [root@u15972483 ~]# |
2 | yum repolist[(6,740)] |
3 | cd /tmp |
4 | wget |
5 | rpm -ivh epel-release-6-7.noarch.rpm |
6 | yum repolist[(14,441)] |
7 | yum update |
Re-Boot the Plesk Server | |
SL No | Description |
1 | /etc/init.d/psa status |
2 | /etc/init.d/psa stop (Removing 500 Internal server error) |
3 | /etc/init.d/psa start |
4 | /etc/init.d/psa status |
Install MongoDB in CentOS 6 Using yum | |
SL No | Description |
1 | login as: root |
2 | [email protected] ‘s password: |
3 | Last login: Sat July 29 01:19:39 2012 from |
4 | [root@u15972483 ~]# |
5 | vi /etc/yum.repos.d/10gen.repo |
6 | [10gen] |
7 | ZZ (exit vi , saving changes) |
8 | yum update |
9 | yum install mongo-10gen mongo-10gen-server |
10 | /etc/init.d/mongod status |
11 | /etc/init.d/mongod start |
12 | /etc/init.d/mongod status |
Install APC in CentOS 6 | |
SL No | Description |
1 | login as: root |
2 | [email protected] ‘s password: |
3 | Last login: Sat Apr 28 01:19:39 2012 from |
4 | [root@u15972483 ~]# |
5 | yum -y install php-pecl-apc |
6 | vi /etc/php.d/apc.ini [Note:] |
7 | I (insert text at beginning of current line, until |
8 | I (insert text at beginning of current line, until |
9 | :wq |
10 | /etc/init.d/httpd status [Note: Check apache status] |
11 | /etc/init.d/httpd restart [Note: restart apache] |
12 | /etc/init.d/httpd status [Note: Check apache status] |
13 | [root@www ~]# mkdir /var/www/html/apc |
14 | cp /usr/share/doc/php-pecl-apc-*/apc.php /var/www/vhosts/ |
Install APC in Windows[Xampp/Wampp Server] | |
SL No | Description |
1 | Download APC dll file [Considering you are using or PHP 5.3.1] |
2 | Extract the zip file & place php_apc.dll to the server derectory as “/xampp/php/ext” |
3 | configure the php.iniextension=php_apc.dll |
4 | Finally restart the apache |
Configure Memcached Server? | |
SL No | Description |
1 | login as: root |
2 | [email protected] ‘s password: |
3 | Last login: Sat Apr 28 01:19:39 2012 from |
4 | [root@u15972483 ~]# |
5 | vi /etc/sysconfig/memcached |
Install memcached in Centos 6 | |
SL No | Description |
1 | login as: root |
2 | [email protected] ‘s password: |
3 | yum install memcached.x86_64 php-pecl-memcache.x86_64 |
4 | # vi /etc/sysconfig/memcached |
5 | # /etc/init.d/memcached start |
6 | # /etc/init.d/memcached stop |
7 | # /etc/init.d/memcached restart |
8 | # /etc/init.d/memcached status |
Install Memcache in Windows[Xampp/Wampp Server] | |
SL No | Description |
1 | Download Memcache dll file [Considering you are using PHP 5.3.1] |
2 | Extract the zip file & place php_memcache.dll to the server derectory as “/xampp/php/ext” |
3 | configure the php.iniextension=php_memcache.dll |
4 | Finally restart the apache |
Dumping & Restoring Database into Server | |
SL No | Description |
1 | login as: root |
2 | [email protected] ‘s password: |
3 | Last login: Fri Feb 10 03:35:37 2012 from |
4 | [root@u15980126 ~]# mysqldump -u lmisdemo -pmlcgjnwc9a sciplmisdb > /var/www/vhosts/ |
5 | [root@u15980126 ~]# mysql -u lmisdemo -pmlcgjnwc9a sciplmisdb < /var/www/vhosts/ |
Copy zip file Centos 6 server to other Linux server | |
SL No | Description |
1 | # scp /var/www/vhosts/ [email protected] :/var/www/vhosts/ |
2 | [email protected] ‘s password: |
3 | 100% 389KB 389.0KB/s 00:00 |
Local Joomla Site Upload to Server | |
SL No | Description |
1 | Make sure you have installed components into your local joomla site[using Extension Manager] |
2 | After installed, set akeeba configuration as follows, destination the backup files, backup file format as zip |
3 | Start Backup now. [Akeeba will backup your full local site+joomla database] (note: if you have some other database, you have to import into server differently) |
4 | After backup completion, you may find your zip file into the following directory :/local joomla administrator/components/com_akeeba/backup/ |
5 | Make sure you have pscp.exe (example: C:\Program Files\ExtraPutty 0.22\Bin\pscp.exe) |
6 | Start=>Run=>cmd=>enter=>cd C:\Program Files\ExtraPutty 0.22\Bin(Enter) |
7 | pscp.exe(Enter) |
8 | Assume that my akeba backup file located as E:\ because I changed my current location of my backup zip file |
9 | pscp E:\ [email protected] :/var/www/vhosts/ [Assume for] |
10 | Now, go to plesk panel as httpdocs/szlmis, choose and Extract file |
11 | Make sure you have putty.exe open the server as SSH mode using User: root password: initial password |
12 | Now, you have to set some chmod for your server site, |
13 | [root@u15972483 ~]# cd /var/www/vhosts/ szlmis |
14 | [root@u15972483 szlmis]# chmod 0777 configuration.php |
15 | [root@u15972483 szlmis]# chmod 0777 installation |
16 | Then from your browser then enter |
17 | Setup the installation |
18 | Done |
Partition CentOS 6 Server | |
SL No | Description |
1 | df -h [to check the partition and logical volume sizes of the mounted space ] |
2 | fdisk -l [to check the logical space of the total partitions] |
3 | pvs [to check the actual physical space remaining] |
4 | lvextend -L +50G /dev/mapper/vg00-var [to extend the partition for var] |
5 | mount |
6 | resize2fs /dev/mapper/vg00-var [resize the partition] |
7 | df -h |
Some Important command for CentOS 6 Server | |
SL No | Description |
1 | unzip [unzip any file into current directory] |
2 | mv * ../ [move all files to previous directory] |
3 | scp root@sourcehost:/var/www/vhosts/ /var/www/vhosts/ [move all files to previous directory] |
© 2012-13 Md. Khurshed Alam Nayeem | |